In her latest art installation, Future-Oriented Jelly Technologies, Artist Shea Chang brings together drawing, painting, and printmaking through large-scale wheat
paste murals and back-lit imagery. Meditating on themes of translation and
transformation, the ephemera and motifs of Chang’s unique visual vocabulary will
orient the space towards pluralistic ways of seeing and being.
Shea Chang’s visual art practice has manifested through Canadian
and international arenas, and she currently teaches as an Assistant
Professor of Illustration in the Faculty of Design at OCAD University,
living and working from her studio in Hamilton’s North End.
Gallery Hours:
Monday - Friday, 4-8pm
or by emailing info@sheachang.com
Additional Events:
FREE Experimental Drawing & Collage Workshop Hosted by Shea Chang
Saturday Dec 2, 12-4pm
Held within the art installation space, Shea Chang will be demonstrating mixed media photocopy transfer drawing techniques and participants will be encouraged to play with various processes to create their own mixed media artwork. This free drop-in event runs at Monday press from 12-4pm on Saturday Dec 2. Ages 16+, no experience required, and supplies will be provided.
Closing Reception & Monday Press Merch Launch
Friday Dec 8, 6-10pm
Join us for the closing reception of Shea Chang’s Future Oriented Jelly Technologies during the December 8th Art Crawl. Prints and merch by Monday Press and limited edition prints by Shea Chang will be available with proceeds going towards supporting Monday Press.
Website: https://sheachang.com/
Instagram: @sheachang